Sunday, August 29, 2004


CheckDuplicate in Dataset


Say the dataset ("MyDataset") has a table ("MyTable") that has following data in one of the columns ("COL1"): 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' and 'e' (5 entries, since there are 5 rows). Say the user enters a value 'a' in a text (txtValue) box and clicks submit. In the submit button's click handler, you have to do is this (in C#):

DataRow[] drArray = MyDataSet.Tables["MyTable"].Select("COL1 = " + txtValue.Text.Trim());

if(drArray.Length > 0) //User has entered a value that already exists in the dataset
//Display message
else //User has entered a unique value
//Proceed with further processing.

This code will not check for case-insensitivity, i.e., if the user enters 'A' instead of 'a', it will take it as a unique entry. You will have to add further checks to ensure case-insensitivity. Hope this helps.

Mitesh Mehta
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